About NVC.ai
Nonviolent Communication (NVC)
NVC, or Nonviolent Communication, is a communication process developed by Marshall Rosenberg. It's sometimes referred to as "compassionate communication." The primary goal of NVC is to foster connections between individuals based on mutual empathy and compassion, even in situations of conflict or disagreement. The approach is founded on the belief that humans inherently enjoy giving and receiving compassionately, and that violence (physical and psychological) stems from learned behaviors, often driven by unmet needs.
This online service has no formal affiliation with the CNVC organization or the esteemed late Dr. Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.D.
Four key components on NVC
NVC typically consists of four key components:
This entails expressing facts and observations without evaluation. It's about distinguishing specific actions and behaviors from our interpretations or judgments about them.
After observing without evaluation, you express how you feel about what was observed. These should be genuine feelings rather than interpretations of what someone else might be feeling or thinking.
These are the basic human needs or values that are causing your feelings. In NVC, it's believed that all actions are attempts to meet these universal human needs.
This is a clear, concrete request for action to meet the expressed need. It's crucial in NVC that requests are genuinely requests and not veiled demands. That means the other person should be free to decline or negotiate without fear of punishment or blame.
In Practice
In practice, NVC might transform a statement like, "You're so lazy! You never help with the housework," to, "When I see that the dishes haven't been done for three days, I feel frustrated because I need cooperation and shared responsibility in our household. Would you be willing to discuss a way for us to share the household chores?"
By focusing on these components, NVC aims to facilitate communication that avoids blame, judgment, or coercion, and instead emphasizes understanding, empathy, and collaborative solutions.
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Our algorithms, including those specialized in Natural Language Processing, assess the sentiment and tone of a conversation. By doing so, our AI can offer insights into whether the conversation is leaning towards a nonviolent, empathetic direction or if it's potentially escalating in conflict and give you feedback on what you wish to express, as well as the messages you have received.
The core of NVC remains human empathy.
NVC.ai can guide and assist, but it cannot truly replicate the depth of human understanding and connection.
NVC.ai can complement, but not replace, genuine human interaction and empathy.
NVC.ai is a service provided by:
Voladi Sys GmbH
Seefeldstrasse 69
8008 Zürich
Write us an email at info@nvc.ai